Late in last night's game, South Carolina fans could be heard chanting "S-E-C. S-E-C".
Why? Do you love your conference more than your school? If so, why? Do you go to sporting events for all SEC schools? Is that you chanting "S-E-C" at Vanderbilt's swim meets?
This issue is magnified during the NCAA basketball tournement each March. Fans across the country, on radio and TV, can be heard saying "well, if UNC loses, I'm pulling for Wake". Or, "since my school, Syracuse, didn't make it, I'm rooting for all Big East teams".
One I hear someone say such things, I immediately discount them as viable human beings. No actual fan of a school would do this. The flawed reasoning is that it's good for the conference when it's teams as a whole do well, thus somehow making their favorite team better in the process.
They think that a top recruit looking for a school would think "Wow. The ACC is tight. They had 7 teams make the tournament. I would now like to go to NC State to compete against those teams". WRONG. That recruit wants to go to your rival school, who did make the tournament, in turn making your school even worse.
Same goes in football, South Carolina fans. Any recruit worth having did not hear your "SEC" chant last night and go "SEC? Let me look up that conference's bowl record", then decide that South Carolina would be a better place to be than Georgia or Florida. No, that kid is going to a rival of yours and will destroy your beloved Gamecocks.
Sure, when more teams make either the tournament or a BCS bowl, the conference gets more money, which leaks down to all it's programs, but the difference between 4 teams and 7 teams making it is negligible. And major football programs will be fine.
Any true fan of a collegiate program does not want his team's conference opponents to do well. Not only is it idiotic to root for your hated rivals; in the long run, it will only hurt you and your team. Wake up.