Go away Dane Cook-you are not funny. Do you really think tripping violently on a dance floor for no reason and falling on your face is hilarious (from your latest travesty "Best Friends' Girl")? I would laugh if you hurt yourself, but come on-in the history of America, approximately 4 people have fallen on their faces. We are not buying this, or your stale standup routine. Go away.
Go away Mike Greeney and Mike Golic from sports talk radio-no one cares about your lives. Greeney, you go on and on about being a baseball coach in your free time. Good for you- WE DON'T CARE. And I really enjoyed listening to you both talk about how you were amazed to have been invited to the Celebrity Softball Game, actually inferring that the Yankees invited you. Uh, no, ESPN, your employers wanted you there to host. You are not special, and your inane topics and comments only appeal to the 4-7 year old crowd. Please resign.
Go away Whoopi Goldberg, Billy Crystal, and Robin Williams-you talentless trio. America loves hearing your "controversial" stances on the View, Whoopi, but the educated see right through you. This is your way of staying relevant, and it works in the elderly. So, please go away, and take your act to retirement homes. The crowd there will laugh at your tired jokes, and fall asleep during your boring and pointless diatribes. But at least you won't be booed.
As for you, Mr. Crystal, aside from your attention-grabbing attempts at playing baseball, you have gone away. Thank you. Robin Williams, you sweaty and talentless beast, what did I ever do to you? Stop. Stop right now. Talking fast is not hilarious. Bouncing around frantically does not make me laugh. Nothing that has ever come out of you has EVER entertained me in ANY way. Who keeps employing you? I almost felt sorry for you when I happened across your awful attempt to copy Borat during American Idol last year. Very topical, Robin. Not to mention, the Yakov Smirnoff aspect of it was equally current. I cringed along with Simon Cowell as this total disaster unfolded on stage. If I didn't hate you so much, I may have felt sorry for you. But alas, I only feel sorry for me and the rest of America for being exposed to you for so long. Now do us all a favor, take your two sidekicks with you, and GO AWAY!
I hate Cage with a passion. He has no acting talent. His close rival for my hatred is Travolta. Face/Off drives me to homicide. Nobody overacts more than these two.
I tried to view your profile and got very little information....who are you?
Yes, Cage is awful. I guess he thinks talking in that loud whisper voice scares people.
Who are you, Maggie?
Bravo, bravo. Finally a voice to expose the no-talent a-wipes. Attn Sportcasters: We don't want your picks, predictions or "I wouldn't be shocked if this happens" comments. Noboby asked you for your opinion. If anyone cared, they wouldn't watch the games. Thanks for allowing me to blog. Big fan Lob, big fan.
Lob, if I could hand-pick one human being to go away forever and ever, it's the most obvious one in the world and I can't believe you missed her... or him... or it... i really don't know anymore.
Oprah Winfrey, if you go away, I will watch Nicolas Cage movies and The View until my head explodes and have a huge smile on my face, just knowing that your blowhard lunacy has been erased and the stupid cows in your audience that consume every word you say would finally stop f*cking clapping like giddy schoolgirls...
This is great
Totally agree, Nick. Forgot about her. Well done.
Who is LOB? That is a good question Maggie. One we may never know the answer to.
I totally agree with Oprah. I love how phoney she is and how she couldn't have Palin on until after the election due to her already endorsing Obama and it would somehow damage her political credibility. She needs to go away and get ove herself. She is an afternoon talk show host who devotes hours talking about diet smothies and super duper diet laxatives who gives a RATZass who she endorses for president? Plus she is always supposed to be a show by women for women, etc...but she wouldn't interview the first GOP nominee for vice president in history???? her audience is 98% women and she won't inteview her??? Serious news journalists don't endorse candidates anyway they interview all the candidates. She is such a no talent phoney and she needs to go away
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