Bowling For Attention
Episode two opens with the Wilson family having a very hectic breakfast. As any person older than three can surmise, this over-the-top scene sets us up for the premise of this week's show-family togetherness.
Despite the fact that Dixon and Annie spend over 87% of the show with their parents, it is determined that they need to have a family night to achieve complete togetherness. Looks like Lucky Strike is the venue of choice. And as "luck" would have it, this alley is located on the apparently very popular pier, where most of Annie and Dixon's classmates gather on a typical Friday night. Good thing for these two, as Annie has already set up a date with Mr. Obvious on the pier, and Dixon is just a total bore, so he is up for anything.
Taking advantage of near homeless Silver, he turns family night into date night, and makes a horrendously basic wager with Silver to spice things up: first to break 100, buys fries. Jackpot. If you can pick up a bowling ball, you can break 100, but apparently, this is hard for these two.
The producers "spared" no expense in filming the bowling action scenes, as we are treated to the same exact shot of pins falling down several times.
For the rest of this summary, I would like to address Kelly Taylor. Why, Kelly? Have you really lost all self worth? Are you missing a few of your senses? Can you see or hear? You are the same Kelly Taylor who dated good-looking rebel punk Dylan McKay, and the Gambler, Brandon Walsh. These guys were fun, had great futures, and had the basic groundwork of a personality. Mr. Matthews is the worst. He is creepy, inappropriate, and a loser. Not only is he weird with his students, he spent the entire episode asking you inappropriate questions about your personal life, followed by making assumptions about ya'lls dating status. Am I missing something, Kelly? If Mr. Matthews was a real person, he would not have made it to 13 years old, because he lacks the basic tools of survival. I hate Mr. Matthews. And you should, too.
OK. The rest of this week's episode was pretty bland other than the final scene which shows Kelly's 4 year old son. Looks like 90210 is up to their old tricks again, as the actor playing this kid is at least 12 years old, and is a spitting image of Steve Sanders. Until next week.
How late must it have been by the time Annie and Dixon got home after the Bond Movie? Midnight? Had to be past 11:00 pm, right? And they had to do chores? Clean dishes? How long were dishes in the sink? They didn't eat at home that night. Were they from breakfast? Why did the porno son guy bring his own bowling ball if he was just coming to get Dixon? Come on Silver. Certainly the mom has to pass out from drinking at some point. She rather stay at a women's shelter? Does that place have wireless for her blog?
I know-it had to have been midnight or later when Dixon took out the trash. That couldn't wait 'til morning? It could be dangerous out there-I mean Silver was sleeping in her car out there.
I thought the exact same thing-Silver should be able to put up with her drunk Mom for 30 minutes before she passed out for the night. So for the most part, she could do whatever she wanted in peace. In many ways, having a drunk Mom is beneficial.
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