The University of North Carolina officially opens it's 2008-2009 college basketball season this Friday night with it's annual "Midnight Madness" event. This is the first legal day to hold a practice with coaches, and it's a jolly event for all. Lots of dunks, lots of laughs, and lots of smug fakeness from Coach Roy Williams. What was that? You vaguely recall Carolina practicing during exams in the spring?
That's correct. UNC held a full squad practice in front of the coaches last spring. This is TOTALLY against NCAA policy, and a blatant disregard for the rules. Coach Williams even admitted he "knew he wasn't supposed to be there". In fact, this game broke two rules. First, coaches are not allowed to watch pickup games or practices during the off season. Secondly, Division I basketball teams are also prohibited from athletically related off season activities through final exams. This practice game was held so that Barack Obama could play some ball with college kids in front of the national media. Good for him. Bad for us, because Carolina was not given any sanctions, or placed on probation.
Their reason- "this was a unique situation and not an NCAA issue". Uh, why? Please explain further. Great-they got to play with a presidential candidate. So what? Why was this not an issue? And why was this swept under the rug?
In 1973, it was a HUGE issue when new NC State basketball recruit David Thompson played in some pickup games with teammates before the start of the season. An assistant coach watched a couple of these, and the rest is history. Because of this and other minor "infractions", NC State was placed on a year's probation. Big deal, right? Well, NC State went 27-0 that season, and was prevented from playing in the NCAA tournament. They would go on to win the NCAA championship the following year, but the damage was done. A championship was lost.
North Carolina is an overwhelming favorite to win the NCAA Championship this season, and lucky for them, the NCAA decided to overlook their major violations. I am glad we have a system in place that rewards certain teams with free presidential practices, and severely punishes other teams for the same "crime". When Barack Obama takes office in January, and UNC cuts down the nets in April, their paths will meet again at the White House ceremony. A privilege NC State was denied back in 1973. Perhaps instead of having harmless practices with teammates, they should have invited Richard Nixon to join them. Because according to the NCAA, illegal practices with politicians are "not an issue".
My name is Dean Smith and I approved this blog. So true. The funniest part is that it is never even brought up. They said it was OK and that's it! Felton and May playing with recruits, go ahead, it's allright! Couldn't get into the Dean Dome last week to watch the Vanderbilt game, anyone know what was up? If this is an accepted practice, why don't more teams do it? Because probably it's not legal. Do not question my authoritae! Late night with Roy?!, I love humble people. Who puts on the afro wig or dresses up as a woman this year. Ole Roy's so freakin' crazy. Who wouldn't want to miss Stuart Scott tell people where he went to school. Just to remind everyone, Roy gave 15 years of his heart and soul to Kansas and he loves that school. I hope he's there when they hang their banner being that he had a big part of achieving it!
I forgot it was called "Late Night with Roy". What an ass. He is so classy and hilarious. He tells his alma mater one day he doesn't give a f about them, then the next, happily accepts the job. His press conferences are a hoot, especially when he talks about how he can't drink Pepsi, even though it's the arena's sponsor. I hope he rots in hell.
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