Today is the unofficial Christmas for millions of Americans, as "My Best Friend's Girl" opens nationwide. Here is a quick sneak preview:
Starring Jason Biggs, Kate Hudson, and Dane Cook, "Best Friend's Girl" spins a hilarious yarn about love. Jason Biggs has been dating Kate Hudson for a couple of months, and is totally in love. Unfortunately for him, he tries too hard, so Kate feels smothered. She breaks up with him, and tries to move on with her life. Luckilly for Biggs, his best friend is a jerk. You see, Dane Cook has a business. His business is helping lovesick losers get back together with their ex-girlfriends.
Being a total tool in real life makes this job especially easy, and since he is friends with Biggs, he agrees to win Kate back for him. By acting like a jerk towards Kate, she supposedly will want Biggs back, even though he was a jerk, too. Makes sense.
When Cook starts dating Kate somehow (she apparently didn't know Biggs' best friend while they dated), we all know how it will turn out. That's right, SHE FALLS IN LOVE WITH THE JERK HIRED TO OFFEND HER!!! ZOINKS!
She falls for him through a series of pratfalls. While jogging, Dane Cook inexplicably trips over a log or something that was on the trail. She didn't trip, but he does. I guess she finds this cute. She then invites him to a wedding, highly improbable in itself (has anyone EVER invited a first or second date to one of their best friend's weddings?), and while dancing, Dane Cook violently trips over another log, which is on the dance floor for some reason. He is so handsome.
I have NEVER seen anyone trip over anything and fall in my entire life. If someone trips, they might stumble a bit, but no one falls like this. And he does this at least twice in the trailer alone.
And counting his other atrocious movies, Dane Cook trips over stuff about 240 times. Why is this so funny? Stop laughing-you people are killing me. Moving on.
Predictably, Kate finds out about the scam, breaks up with Dane Cook, and Biggs learns a lesson about treating people you love, while also shaving off his eyebrows. We have all seen this a million times before. But unfortunately, since there are approximately 18-20 million morons across our vast nation, this movie is bound to make tons of money and shoot straight to number one. I weep for us, America. I really do.
I could not find a place to discuss the poll. Here is my take. I am not that familiar with Mr. Belvedere but it seems as though he could at least handle basic duties. Mrs. Garrett could mend garments and give me good advice. She was not judgemental remember how she accepted cousin Jerrie with the Cerebal Paulsey. Alice could do it all and would never question you. She worked everyday and never took sick time. Tony was worthless he never did shit around the house and could only could italian food. He is the worst maid ever.
Little known fact, Mr. Beledere, Alice and Mrs.Garrett were all played by the same actor. Best maid ever...The old goat Uncle Charlie from My Three Sons, he hated everyone. Jason Biggs with Kate Hudson?, I'm done.
Why does anyone accept these movies based on incredibly lame made up business? There was that one move Hitch where people somehow hire will smith to be a date coach? Then failure to launch where sarah jessica parker is hired to make guys fall in love with her horse face and then instantly move out of their parents homes? And now dane cook has a business where people hire him to get people back together. How would u advertise that business and the premise is you pay him to date your ex? So u basically give him money and connect him with women who are on the rebound from relationships and make him date them? Who would even think to pay someone to date their ex to win them back? back in the simpler times in in the 80's and 90's these movies would just have best friends or relatives date the exes, etc... now all the movies have people that are so good at getting people to fall in love with them they hire themselves out and are rich and somehow?
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