Yankee Stadium had it's last game last night. Great. This led to a never-ending ticker on the ESPN channels with the following: last basehit-so and so; final HR-Johnny Bland; final strikeout-Frank Dull. It also reminded me of one of my biggest pet peeves: When people say "Eddie Snowflake will be the answer to a trivia question someday. He was the pitcher who gave up Barry Bonds' record HR". No. He isn't going to be the answer to anything. Yet you hear such things all the time. Whenever a pitcher gives up a record breaking HR, the announcers make the "trivia question" comment. Last night, we were exposed to the aforementioned ticker, as if someone is really going to ask "who was the last person to hit a home run at Yankee Stadium"? You know what my answer to that question will be? A punch to the kidneys.
I am 36 years old. I play games and love trivia. I have NEVER once been asked "Who was the pitcher who gave up Hank Aaron's 715th HR"? While playing trivia, I have not been asked "Who hit the last HR at Veteran's Stadium"? If I have children, do you actually think they will say "Daddy, who was the last person to strike out at Yankee Stadium"? Of course they won't. Because no one cares about any of these things. So why do sportscasters insist that such trivia questions will be asked in the future? Great question. Maybe these are the types of questions that should be asked. Not "who was the last player to steal a base at the Kingdome"?
who cares about yankee stadium? Why is it that anytime something happens to yankees/red sox it has to be jammed down my throat like anyone outside of those cities cares? + half the people in new york are mets fans anyway. I do hate those awkward trivia questions that no one cares about, especially with records that get broken all the time.
I have one question for you. Who gave up the last goal to Gretzky?
I have one answer for you-I don't care.
By the way, who had the last turnover at Reynolds Coliseum? Also as annoying is after a big upset or when a bad team does well the inevitable statement comes "If you had told me that.....". What if everyone just walked and stated idiotic statements. "Hey BJ the Canes won't lose a game this year" or "Russell Wilson will win the Heisman in 2009". No don't tell me anything.
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